Here are a number of goals to achieve during the course of the project:
Video Decoder PCB
- Design and build Video Decoder PCB [DONE]
- Test FPGA can output to PCB LEDs [DONE]
- Create a serial port interface between development board and PC [DONE]
- Write VHDL to read data from PCB [DONE]
Vision System
- Thresholding [DONE]
- Smoothing [DONE]
- Labeling [DONE]
- Label Equivalence Sorting [DONE]
- Object Grouping
- Redesign Pipeline Architecture [IN PROGRESS]
- Implement multiple pipelines
- Build RAM interface between FPGA and external RAM [IN PROGRESS]
- Write VHDL to read from PCB, store in RAM and output to PC [IN PROGRESS]
- Design interface between vision system and robot